‘Looking for Signs of Spring’ Giclee Print

£169.00 Sold

‘Looking for Signs of Spring’



‘Looking for Signs of Spring’ Giclee Print

Signed Giclée Limited Edition Print  3/45
Image 25 cm x 34.5 cm
Including mount 43 cm x 54 cm

Collect from gallery £149

Including UK delivery £169

Dee is a rural artist whose very personal style and broad appeal has won her many admirers and collectors.
Dee’s paintings are inspired by her gentle observation of the natural world around her remote home in Suffolk, and informed by her deep understanding of everyday country life through the changing seasons. By taking these references, Dee combines them with memories past and present along with a lifelong love of fashion and textile design, to create pictorial stories that lead the observer into a tranquil world.
Dee includes elegantly stylised figures in her paintings, singly or in intimate conversation or activity, often walking with dogs, cats – maybe horses, across fields, through woodland or besides the sea. The changing seasons, recorded in their different colour palettes, the blustery wind, the cold of winter or the warmth of spring captured in these images make Dee Nickerson a very special artist whose character shines through her work.