Saltglazed Tankard


Saltglazed Tankard

Including UK delivery

1 in stock


Saltglazed Tankard

Perfect for our Herefordshire cider!

Every piece will vary depending on the firing and position in the kiln.

Collect from gallery £45

Including UK Special Delivery £55

H 14.4 x  ∅ at base 10.7 x ∅ at rim 10.2 cm

We have a large selection of Jason’s pottery at the gallery – from small jugs and cereal bowls to large chargers, jugs and bowls. Please enquire.

Jason has been making pots since 1972, for thirty-five years alongside a career in teaching, the last twenty-five as Director of Art at Harrow School. His present studio in Radnorshire was established with the building of the first kiln in 2005, though it is only with his switch to full-time pottery that he has established a working relationship leading to results of reasonable consistency – not that any salt-glaze potter could ever expect total predictability.

His work is fired to stoneware temperature, until recently without preliminary (“bisque”) firing, and glazed by throwing salt into the fireboxes at around 1260 degrees Fahrenheit – a method which was invented (or discovered) in the Rhineland in the middle ages and copied by English potteries, notably at Fulham, in the seventeenth century. A couple of years ago he built a second kiln for conventionally glazed ware, which benefitted from a bisque firing. Consequently he is now generally bisque the salt ware too. Early salt-glazed pots and the traditional country pottery of Europe are inspirations to him.

The core of his work is a range of “standard ware”, though it is in the nature of salt-glaze that no two pots are the same, and anyway he gives himself a fair bit of freedom to vary a shape. Larger jugs, jars and platters, with combed and trailed decoration constitute most of his “exhibition pieces”.

“What I look for in my pots is the sense that they’ve always been here, while 
retaining the freshness of the moment they were thrown.  I like them to be generous, to invite touch and to be complemented
 by good food and drink”