‘Spring Haberdashery’


‘Spring Haberdashery’

Including UK delivery

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‘Spring Haberdashery’

Original Oil on Linen

Bacs payment preferred

Collect from gallery £1,200

Including UK delivery £1,250

Image 50 x 50 cm

Including frame 62 x 62 cm

You could buy this painting interest free over 10 months with OWN ART

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Featuring in our Spring  Exhibition 2024 ‘Song of the Earth’  opening on Saturday March 9

Ann (Edmonds) McCay’s paintings convey a sense of space and have a strong narrative element. Settings are theatrical, often portraying man-made structures within natural vegetation. The eye is led along paths, through windows and into doorways.

The familiar is made strange through the use of intense colour and light. The juxtaposition of images and archetypal nature of the figures inspires the viewer to create their own story.

Ann is also an established portrait painter. She has exhibited in the B.P Portrait Competition and at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters.

Ann graduated with a degree in Fine Art from The University of the West of England in 1983. She then worked as a professional artist in southern Spain and London before moving in 1998 back to Shropshire where she grew up. Since then she has continued to paint and exhibit regularly. She is married with two children.

“My recent paintings return to some recurring themes: familiar landscapes, vegetation, sheds, interiors and a cast of characters and objects that I have developed and added to over the years. The heightened colour and strong contrast of light and shade in my paintings gives a luminous and dreamlike quality to my work. Starting out with a degree in Fine Art from Bristol Polytechnic in the 1980s, I worked as an artist in Spain, returning to London and becoming a professional portrait painter, exhibiting with the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and the BP Portrait Awards”